(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.)
Adams, Elijah R., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 287, farmer 100.
Adams, Mason, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 314, farmer 253.
Adriance, James Edward, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 193, saw and turning mills, and farmer 12.
Adriance, John W., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 193, farmer 110.
ADRIANCE, STEPHEN H., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 234, general blacksmith and farmer 38.
Adriance, Thomas Jefferson, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 206, farmer 30.
Ahern, Patrick M., (Whitney's Point,) lot 357, farmer 120.
Ames, John, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 285, farmer 50.
Ames, Sidney, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, retired farmer.
Andrews, Henry, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, farmer 6.
Arnold, Jerry, (Ketchumville, Tioga Co.,) lot 291, farmer 112.
Balch, James B., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 231, farmer 220.
Baldwin, Levi, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 289, farmer 140.
Baldwin, Levi H., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 289, farmer 93.
Ballard, Daniel, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 329, farmer leases 100.
Ballard, Gardner, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 329, saw mill and farmer 207.
BARNHARDT, GEORGE, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, farmer 83.
Barnhardt, Phillip V., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, farmer occupies 83.
Barns, Nathan, (Whitney's Point,) lot 315, farmer 194.
Bander, Edward S., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, deputy sheriff.
Bauder, Maryett, (widow,) (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, farmer 6.
BAUDER, MICHAEL, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, coroner and general blacksmith.
BROOKS, L. LAROY, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, general merchant, shipper of all kinds of produce, justice of the peace, notary public and post master.
BROWN, CLARISSA, (widow,) (Whitney's Point,) lot 285, farmer 40.
Brown, Daniel, (Whitney's Point,) lot 324, farmer 80.
BROWN, EDWARD, (Lisle,) lot 365, farmer 92.
Burdick, Lewis, (Glen Aubrey,) farmer leases.
Burke, Patrick, (Whitney's Point,) lot 317, farmer 71.
Bush, George C., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 250, farmer 56.
BUSH, GEORGE W., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 314, farmer 52.
Cady, Corelli, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, farmer 131.
Cady, Dwight T., (Ketchumville, Tioga Co.,) lot 270, farmer 115.
Cady, Jariel J., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 235, farmer 100.
Cary, Thomas, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, farmer 10.
Cavanaugh, Edward, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 233, farmer 37.
Collard, Horace B., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 314, farmer 52.
Cossaart, James L., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, blacksmith and farmer 4.
COUNCILMAN, GEORGE, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 246, farmer 70.
Councilman, James C., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 234, farmer 79.
Councilman, Nathan J., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, farmer 70.
Councilman, Silas T., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 326, farmer 74.
Couse, John C., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, farmer 65.
COUSE, ORVILLE E., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, dealer in groceries, dry goods, notions & c., and notary public.
Davern, James, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 270, farmer 50.
Dent, Samuel, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 247, farmer 33.
Dodge, Lovel P., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 247, farmer 15.
Driscoll, Cornelius, (Whitney's Point,) lot 364, farmer 75.
Driscoll, Cornelius Jr., (Whitney's Point,) lot 316, farmer 80.
Driscoll, Jeremiah, (Whitney's Point,) lot 317, farmer 142.
Driscoll, Michael, (Whitney's Point,) lot 316, farmer 80.
Dunham, Albert H., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 194, farmer 65.
Dunham, Amy, (widow,) Glen Aubrey,) lot 167, farmer 150.
Dunham, Charles F., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 167, farmer 4.
Dunham, George M., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 167, farmer 32.
Dunham, George W., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 194, farmer 260.
Dunham, Theron W., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, justice of the peace, mason and mechanic.
Dunham, Willis W., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 167, mechanic and farmer 51.
Dyer, Alexander, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 287, shingle maker and farmer occupies 50.
Dyer, Dexter, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, mason.
DYER, GEORGE, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 273, farmer 110.
Dyer, Jackson, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 206, farmer 30.
Dyer Peter, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 286, farmer leases 86.
EDWARDS, DeRONDA, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 327, commissioner of highways and farmer 92.
Elliott, Horace, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 327, farmer leases 68.
English, Eli, (Whitney's Point,) lot 315, farmer leases of Alonzo Collins, 250.
EVERETT, DANIEL T., (Whitney's Point,) lot 285, farmer 123.
Everetts, Egbert N., (Whitney's Point,) lot 285, farmer 50.
French, Jonathan D., (Whitney's Point,) lot 286, farmer 14.
Fuller, Orlando R., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 288, farmer 128.
Gates, Lewis, (Ketchumville, Tioga Co.,) lot 230, cooper and farmer 3.
Gaylord, David, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, farmer 22.
GAYLORD, HENRY, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 207, farmer 60.
Gaylord, John, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 234, farmer 22.
Green, Abraham H., (Maine,) lot 154, grist mill and farmer 210.
Green, John H., (Maine,) lot 154, farmer 50.
Griggs, Frederick S., (Whitney's Point,) lot 356, farmer 270.
Griggs, Reuben C., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 327, farmer 180.
Hall, James G., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 270, physician and farmer 75.
Harris, Luther R., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 153, farmer 81.
Hartwell, Albert, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, carpenter.
Hartwell, Archibauld, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, farmer 50.
Hawver, Abraham P., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, justice of the peace, carpenter and farmer 114.
Hawver, Peter A., (Glen Aubrey, lot 287, farmer 70.
Hicks, Spencer, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 234, farmer 37.
Hinman, David D., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 235, farmer 50.
Hinman, Solomon, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 285, farmer 3.
HODGES, HENRY, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 274, farmer 120.
HOLDEN, DALLAS, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, wagon maker.
Horton, Edgar F., (Lisle,) lot 365, farmer 70.
Houghtaling, John C., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 234, carpenter and farmer 6.
Howard, Chauncey K., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, farmer 3.
Ingraham, Hiram O., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 274, farmer 30.
Jay, Theda, (widow,) (Glen Aubrey,) lot 153, farmer 41.
JOHNSON, WASHINGTON, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 250, prop. of saw, planing and grist mills, and farmer 30.
Kenyon, Joseph, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 248, farmer 137.
Kenyon, Samuel, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 234, farmer 43.
Ketchum, Riley, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 329, carpenter.
King, Jewitt, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 207, farmer 36.
Lamb, Isaac T., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 272, farmer 82.
Leonard, Charles R., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 272, carpenter and farmer 48.
Lewis, Gilbert, (Ketchumville, Tioga Co.,) lot 230, carpenter and farmer 100.
Loomis, Burlon, (Ketchumbille, Tioga Co.,) lot 270, farmer 77.
Maloney, Patrick, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 285, farmer 31.
Manwaring, Charles B., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 327, farmer 70.
Manwaring, Edgar C., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 313, farmer 80.
Marcan, Vincent, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 168, farmer 100.
Marks, James A., (Lisle,) lot 365, farmer 72.
McConnell, John, (Ketchumville, Tioga Co.,) (with William,) lot 310, farmer 40.
McConnell, William, (Ketchumville, Tioga Co.,) (with John,) lot 310, farmer 40.
MONROE, ERASTUS, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 288, farmer 96.
Monroe, Harrison, (Lamb's Corners,) farmer leases of Florence Potter, 120.
Monroe, Samuel E., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, saw mill, carpenter and farmer 16.
Morgan, Elias H., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 288, farmer leases 197.
Morgan, George W., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, carpenter and farmer 16.
Morgan, Merca C., (widow,) (Lamb's Corners,) lot 288, farmer 197.
Morgan, Roswell, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 250, farmer 36.
Morgan, Waldo, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 250, farmer 20.
Morgan, William B., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 288, constable and farmer occupies 197.
Murray, Murty, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 290, farmer 33.
O'Neill, Patrick, (Whitney's Point,) lot 324, farmer 110.
Pendell, Warren, (Whitney's Point,) lot 358, farmer 100.
Perkins, Addison, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, farmer 50.
Perry, George, (Whitney's Point,) lot 286, farmer 165.
Phillips, Charles, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, farmer 200.
Phillips, Waterman R., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 372, farmer 43.
Pierce, Sherman, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 275, farmer leases of James E. Vanderburgh, 25.
Pierce, William H., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 275, farmer 84.
Pollard, Noah, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, farmer 60.
Pollard, Timothy, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 329, farmer 200.
POTTER, FLORENCE A., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 288, farmer 120.
Preston, James S., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 247, farmer 58.
QUICK, ABRAHAM H., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, general blacksmith and farmer 13.
Quinliven, James, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 290, farmer 77.
Quinliven, Patrick, (Ketchumville, Tioga Co.,) lot 290, farmer 57.
Reardon, Jeremiah, (Whitney's Point,) lot 364, farmer 120.
Remmele, Hariet, (Whitney's Point,) lot 274, farmer 61.
Reynolds, Jesse W., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 311, farmer 62.
Reynolds, LeRoy, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 329, farmer leases 21.
RICHARDS, LOYAL, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 286, farmer 125.
Richards, Nathan, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 286, farmer 71.
Richards, William, (Whitney's Point,) lot 286, farmer 130.
Rigby, Marcus E., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 250, farmer 133.
RILEY, WILLIAM H., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, supervisor of town, postmaster, dealer in groceries, dry goods, boots, shoes &c.
Ryan, Matthew, (Ketchumbille, Tioga Co.,) lot 230, farmer 80.
Ryan, William, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 270, farmer 60.
Sanford, John, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 153, farmer 41.
Sarringar, Albert M., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 313, dentist and farmer 48.
Scism, Naomi, (widow,) (Glen Aubrey,) lot 278, farmer 50.
Shanley, John, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 233, farmer 85.
Simkins, Nelson A., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 247, farmer 31.
Slack, Delilah, (widow,) (Whitney's Point,) lot 247, farmer 200.
SLACK, HIRAM W., (Whitney's Point,) lot 324, prop. of saw mill and farmer 160.
Slack, Nathan, (Whitney's Point,) lot 285, farmer 25.
Slack, Samantha, (widow,) (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, farmer 43.
Sly, George, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, shoemaker and farmer 25.
Smith, Benjamin F., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 273, farmer 68.
Smith, Charles, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 207, farmer 110.
Smith, Charles, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 231, farmer 114.
Smith, Chester M., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 247, farmer 54.
Smith, Elijah, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 206, farmer 70.
Smith, George A., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 233, farmer 57.
Smith, Henry, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, farmer 250.
Smith, John L., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 311, farmer 50.
SMITH, THOMAS, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 233, farmer 77.
Snyder, William H., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 327, farmer 31.
Spencer, Enoch, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 311, farmer 162.
Spencer, Morgan, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 313, farmer 70.
SPORE, GEORGE E., (Whitney's Point,) lot 363, farmer 4.
STALKER, ADAM R., (Whitney's Point,) lot 363, carpenter and joiner.
Stalker, Charles, (Whitney's Point,) lot 363, carpenter and farmer 11.
Stevens, Emeline, (widow,) (Lamb's Corners,) lot 271, farmer 10.
STODDARD, CHARLES H., (Glen Aubrey,) (with James B.,) lot 208, farmer 140.
STODDARD, JAMES B., (Glen Aubrey,) (with Charles H.,) lot 208, farmer 140.
STRAIT, WILLIAM, (Whitney's Point,) lot 323, farmer leases of John Hazelton, 117.
Sutphen, Christian, (widow,) (Lamb's Corners,) lot 287, farmer 72.
Sutphen, Phelon E., (Lamb's Corners,) lot 287, town clerk and farmer occupies 72.
Swan, Charles, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 275, farmer 25.
Swan, John, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 246, farmer 12.
SWAN, WILLIAM, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 275, farmer 25.
Sweeney, Edmund, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 290, farmer 50.
Tanner, Lorenzo D., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 208, retired merchant and farmer 8.
Taylor, Charles R., (Ketchumville, Tioga Co.,) lot 311, farmer 97.
Tompkins, Chloe, (widow,) (Whitney's Point,) lot 365, farmer 70.
Tompkins, Orvin F., (Whitney's Point,) lot 365, farmer 50.
Torpy, John, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 249, farmer 75.
Tull, Nehemiah, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 275, farmer 25.
TYLER, SHERMAN D., (Lisle,) lot 326, farmer 98.
Vandeburgh, George W., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 246, farmer 71.
VANDEBURGH, STEPHEN P., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 246, farmer 146.
WALTER, BENJAMIN F., (Whitney's Point,) lot 363, farmer 184.
WALTER, CHARLES J., (Whitney's Point,) lot 357, town assessor and farmer 205.
Walters, James P., (Whitney's Point,) (with William W.,) lot 363, farmer 166.
Walters, William W., (Whitney's Point,) (with James P.,) lot 363, farmer 166.
Warner, Joshua L., (Glen Aubrey,) lot 286, saw mill and farmer 2.
Wilson, Albert A., (Lisle,) lot 365, farmer 50.
Wilson, Eliza M., (widow,) (Lisle,) lot 365, farmer 49.
Woods, James, (Glen Aubrey,) lot 233, farmer 135.
Youngs, William, (Lamb's Corners,) lot 289, farmer 51.
Transcribed by Mary Hafler - December, 2006.
Business Directory
Town of Nanticoke
Broome Co, NY Page
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Last updated: 15 Feb 2018