Below is an everyname index to 1938-9 edition of the yearbook for the First Methodist Church of Endicott. Since it is an everyname index, some names will appear multiple times. For example, J. Rennie Allen appears 3 times, once as Treasurer, once in the Stewards list and once, along with his wife, as a subscriber. Families are often listed together, so please be sure to check every occurance of your surname. (Note: a * before the name indicated that the person was a member of the Tithers Association)
Ahlbert, Clarence H. --Stewards
Alberg, Mr and Mrs. C H --Subscribers
Alderman, Halsey C. --Stewards
Alderman, Mr and Mrs Halsey c --Subscribers
Alderson , Miss Alene --Subscribers
Alderson, Mr and Mrs J W --Non Subscribers
Aldrich, Mrs Edna --Non Subscribers
Allard, Mr and Mrs --Non Subscribers
Allen, J. Rennie --Stewards
Allen, J. Rennie --Treasurer
Allen, Mr and Mrs J Rennie --Subscribers
Anderson, Herchel L --Subscribers
Andrews, Charles R. --Stewards
Andrews, Charles R. --Store house Treasurer
*Andrews, Mr and Mrs C R --Subscribers
Angell, Clarence F. --Stewards
Angell, Mr and Mrs C F and Ruth --Subscribers
Apgar, Mr and Mrs Harry --Subscribers
Ardary, Mrs Laura --Non Subscribers
Atwood, Mr and Mrs R C --Subscribers
Auyong, Mrs Bessie --Non Subscribers
Bacon, Mrs Lena and Jack --Subscribers
Baer, Mr and Mrs William --Non Subscribers
Bailey, Mr and Mrs James --Subscribers
Baker, Edwina (Mrs.) --In Memoriam
Baker, Mr and Mrs C H and Harold --Subscribers
Baker, Mr and Mrs Lewis --Subscribers
Baker, Mrs Ben --Non Subscribers
Baldwin, Miss A Lucille --Subscribers
Baldwin, Miss Grace --Non Subscribers
Barnes, Mr and Mrs Thomas --Subscribers
Barney, Mrs Lela --Non Subscribers
Bayer, Mr and Mrs Bruce --Subscribers
Beagle, James A --Non Subscribers
Beaudette, Mrs Besse --Subscribers
Becker, Mr and Mrs Arthur --Subscribers
Becker, Mr and Mrs George W --Subscribers
Becker, Mrs Mary , Carl and Marion --Subscribers
Beckwith, Mr and Mrs H M --Subscribers
Beff, Mr and Mrs Herman , Donald and Robert --Subscribers
Begall , Warren --Subscribers
Beirly, Mr and Mrs Charles I --Subscribers
Beirly, Mr and Mrs Harris B --Subscribers
Benjamin, Mrs Elizabeth --Non Subscribers
Bertholf, Howard and James --Non Subscribers
Bertholf, Mrs Thomas J --Subscribers
Betts, Miss Cicily --Non Subscribers
Birchall, Mr and Mrs John and Robert --Non Subscribers
Bishop, Celineand Phyllis --Non Subscribers
Bishop, Miss Anabelle --Non Subscribers
Bishop, Mr and Mrs Owen --Non Subscribers
Blanchard, Mr and Mrs John --Non Subscribers
Bogart, Mr and Mrs R W --Subscribers
Bogart, Mrs Bertha --Non Subscribers
Boigeol, Arlington P --Non Subscribers
Boigeol, Marion H. --Stewards
Boigeol, Mr and Mrs M H --Subscribers
Boigeol, Mr and Mrs Wesley --Subscribers
Bortree, Selwyn --Non Subscribers
Bowen, Mr and Mrs Walter --Subscribers
Bower, Mr and Mrs R C --Subscribers
Boyles, Mr and Mrs Emerson --Non Subscribers
Boyles, Mrs Marion --Non Subscribers
Bradshaw, Wellington --Subscribers
Brady, mr and Mrs Walter --Non Subscribers
Bragg, Mrs Mary, Braxton and Margaret --Non Subscribers
Branch, Roscoe H --Subscribers
Breakley, Mr and Mrs Walter --Subscribers
Brearley, Mr and Mrs E R --Subscribers
*Brew, Mr and Mrs , Lewis and Daniel --Subscribers
Brimmer, Mr and Mrs Earl --Subscribers
Brobst, Miss Evelyn --Non Subscribers
Brooks, Jessup --Non Subscribers
Brown, Mrs Lena --Subscribers
Brucher, Mrs Leona and Marietta Boomershine --Subscribers
Brundage, Mrs Arthur --Non Subscribers
Bundy, Mrs Carrie, Sara and Barbara --Subscribers
Bunnell, Miss Lila --Non Subscribers
Butterfield, Miss Beverly --Non Subscribers
Cackowski, Mr and Mrs Stanley and Beverly --Non Subscribers
Calkins, Mr and Mrs Floyd and Bernice --Non Subscribers
Camp Mr and Mrs Ward and Robert --Subscribers
Camp, Mr and Mrs Charles J --Subscribers
Campbell, Miss Josephine --Non Subscribers
Campbell, Mrs Elizabeth --Non Subscribers
Campion, Mr and Mrs Frank L --Subscribers
Card, Miss Mary Ann --Subscribers
Chapman , Miss Rose --Subscribers
Chilson, Mrs Lois --Non Subscribers
Christopher, Mrs Ethel --Subscribers
Clapper, Lois L --Non Subscribers
Clapper, Mrs J F --Subscribers
Clark, Charles --Non Subscribers
Clark, Miss Louise --Non Subscribers
Clark, Mrs Della --Subscribers
Clark, Mrs Fred --Subscribers
Clark, Rodney --Non Subscribers
Clark, Stanley --Non Subscribers
Clement, Ira J. --Stewards
Clement, Mr and Mrs Ira J --Subscribers
Cochrane, Olin J --Non Subscribers
Colley, Glenwood and Pearl --Non Subscribers
Congdon, Mrs Luella and Russell Green --Subscribers
Conrad, Mr and Mrs R L --Subscribers
Conrad, Mrs Celia --Subscribers
Cook, Mrs Mary A --Subscribers
Cooksley, Mr and Mrs W J , Florence and Jean --Subscribers
Couch, Mr and Mrs Ralph --Subscribers
Couch, Ralp O. --Stewards
Cox, Mr and Mrs Thomas , Marsden and Merton --Non Subscribers
Crammer, Mrs Freda --Non Subscribers
Crawford, Fred S. --In Memoriam
Crawford, Fred S. --Trustees
Crawford, Mr and Mrs Fred S and Ruth --Non Subscribers
Crawford, Mrs Robert --Non Subscribers
Crawford, Willard --Non Subscribers
Crooks, Mr and Mrs Robert --Subscribers
Crooks, Robert --Stewards
Crosby, Mr and Mrs Clarence --Subscribers
Cross, Mr and Mrs Leroy --Subscribers
Cross, Mr and Mrs Merle --Non Subscribers
Crounse, Mrs Fannie --Non Subscribers
Crounse, Vernon N and Dorothy --Subscribers
Crounse, Vernon N. --Stewards
*Crump, Mrs Linda --Subscribers
Davies, Mr and Mrs E Joseph --Subscribers
Davies, Mr and Mrs William, Alice, Mabel, and Mesca--Non Subscribers
Davies, Mrs Lynda --Non Subscribers
Davies, Samuel --Non Subscribers
Davis, Gaylord --Stewards
Davis, Mr and Mrs Gaylord W --Subscribers
Davis, Mrs Harry --Subscribers
Day, Miss Florence --Non Subscribers
Deabler, Mr and Mrs Harry and Betty Anna --Subscribers
Deabler, Mrs. Harry --Officers
Decker, Arthur --Non Subscribers
Decker, Mr and Mrs E l --Subscribers
Decker, Mrs Celinda --Non Subscribers
Decker, Mrs Lillian --Non Subscribers
Demarest, Mr and Mrs Floyd --Non Subscribers
DeNee Mr and Mrs Archie l --Subscribers
Denee, Archie L. --Stewards
Derk, Mr and Mrs J H and William Roshon --Subscribers
Dingman, Mrs Iva , Dorothy and Eleanore --Subscribers
Dollmetch, Mr and Mrs Harry and Harold --Subscribers
Downey, Andrew --Subscribers
Downs, Richard --Subscribers
Duell, Fred --Non Subscribers
Duell, Mrs Blanche --Non Subscribers
Duell, Mrs Eunice --Non Subscribers
Duffy, Mrs Gertrude --Non Subscribers
Dumond, Harry --Non Subscribers
Dunham, Mrs Elsie P --Subscribers
Dunham, Mrs Orminda --Non Subscribers
Eberlin, Mr and Mrs George --Non Subscribers
Eckert, Albert --Non Subscribers
Eckert, George --Trustees
Eckert, George F --Subscribers
Eckert, Mrs and Mrs Walter B --Subscribers
Eckert, Walter B. --Stewards
Ede,Mr and Mrs Thomas --Non Subscribers
Edwards, Mrs Minnie --Non Subscribers
Edwards, Mrs Orpha --Subscribers
Efgerton, Mr and Mrs Raymond --Non Subscribers
Eldred, Miss Jean --Non Subscribers
Eldredge, Mr and Mrs M B and Evelyn --Subscribers
Eldredge, Mr and Mrs V T --Subscribers
Ellis, Mrs Bertha --Subscribers
Emerson, Mrs Marie --Non Subscribers
Emert, George --Non Subscribers
Estes, Amos --Non Subscribers
Eylam , Mr and Mrs Edward --Subscribers
Farrar, Miss Lucille M --Subscribers
Federici, Mrs Vivian --Non Subscribers
Feeny, Mr and Mrs Charles --Non Subscribers
Fenderson, Mrs Stella --Non Subscribers
Ferry, Mr and Mrs Kenneth --Subscribers
Firth, Mrs Robert and Clara --Subscribers
Fisher, Fred A and Vera --Non Subscribers
Fitch, Mrs Inez --Non Subscribers
Flaherty, Mr and Mrs Wilmot, Bruce, Ellis and Ruth --Subscribers
Flaherty, Mrs Mary --Subscribers
Foss, Frank and Spencer --Non Subscribers
Fowler, Fred --Non Subscribers
Fowler, Mrs Susan B --Subscribers
Frailey, Erwin --Non Subscribers
Frailey, Robert and Robert Jr --Non Subscribers
Fraily, Peter and William --Subscribers
France, Mr and Mrs Ernest --Subscribers
France, Mrs G H --Non Subscribers
France, Mrs W B --Non Subscribers
Frank, Mrs Mary --Non Subscribers
Frazer, Mrs Elsie --Subscribers
Frey, Mr and Mrs Russell P --Subscribers
Frey, Russell P. --Stewards
Frieser, Mr and Mrs Walter Alice and Frank --Non Subscribers
Frink, Mildred and Ruth --Subscribers
Frost, Mrs Clara --Subscribers
Frutiger, Dr W H --Non Subscribers
Frutiger, Eliza (Mrs.) --In Memoriam
Gaskill, Mr and Mrs Richard --Non Subscribers
Gaylord, George O --Non Subscribers
Gaylord, Mr and Mrs Paul T --Subscribers
Geisenhoff, Miss Elsie --Non Subscribers
Ghee, Mrs Lottie --Subscribers
Gilliland, Harold --Non Subscribers
Gordon, Miss Marion --Non Subscribers
Gordon, Mrs Ruth --Subscribers
Gosman, Mr and Mrs Fred --Subscribers
Gowan, Mrs Betsy --Non Subscribers
Gowen, Mrs Ella --Non Subscribers
Gower, Mr and Mrs William --Subscribers
Green, Harold --Non Subscribers
Green, Miss Eva --Non Subscribers
Green, Mrs Frank --Non Subscribers
Greene , Miss Lillian --Non Subscribers
Greene, Miss Norma --Non Subscribers
Greet Mrs Norman E --Subscribers
Greet, Elsie and Ivy --Subscribers
Greet, Norman --Non Subscribers
Grippen, Olin --Subscribers
Gugger, Mr and Mrs Charles and Gerald --Non Subscribers
Gummoe, Mr and Mrs Francis --Non Subscribers
Haight, Mr and Mrs Frank --Subscribers
Hall, Mrs Carol --Subscribers
Hammong, Mrs Sarah --Non Subscribers
Harding, Mrs Lester --Non Subscribers
Harned, Mrs Truman, Hannah, Kenneth and Lila --Non Subscribers
Hart, Mr and Mrs Ray --Subscribers
Harvey, Charles --Non Subscribers
Harvey, Mr and Mrs Henry A --Subscribers
Hathaway, Mr and Mrs Frank --Subscribers
Haugh, Mr and Mrs Charles --Subscribers
Haynes, Mrs C R --Non Subscribers
Herman, Miss Effie --Non Subscribers
Hern, Mr and Mrs Glenn and Beverly --Non Subscribers
Hertel, Miss Georgia --Non Subscribers
Hertel, Russell --Non Subscribers
Hess, Mr and Mrs E H, Allan and Elma --Subscribers
Hess, Mrs Mattie --Subscribers
Hickok, Clarence R. --Pastor
Hickok, Reverend and Mrs C R --Subscribers
Hills, Vernon --Non Subscribers
Hinton, Mr and Mrs Ward and Mary Louise --Subscribers
Hitchcock, Mr and Mrs Roy B, Emma and Howard --Subscribers
Hitchock, Roy --Trustees
Hodge, Mrs C F --Non Subscribers
Hoffman, Mr and Mrs Leonard --Subscribers
Holden, Mr and Mrs Kenneth --Non Subscribers
Hollenback, Mr and Mrs Ray --Subscribers
Hoover, Miss Edith --Non Subscribers
Hoskins, Arthur V. --Stewards
Hoskins, Mr and Mrs Arthur V --Subscribers
Hoskins, Mr and Mrs Howard --Subscribers
Howard Mr and Mrs Ray --Subscribers
Howard, Herbert and Mable --Subscribers
Howard, Mr and Mrs C B --Subscribers
Howell, Harry G --Non Subscribers
Hoyt, Mary and Warren --Non Subscribers
Hufcut, Mrs Lulu and Boyd --Non Subscribers
Hughs, Mr and Mrs Joseph, Maxine, Gertrude and Naom--Non Subscribers
Humphrey, Chester B. --Trustees
Humphrey, Mr and Mrs A Ray and George --Non Subscribers
Humphrey, Mrs. A. Ray --Officers
Hunter, Mr and Mrs Ralph --Non Subscribers
Hunter, Ralph --Subscribers
Hussong, Mr and Mrs E L and Norma Jean --Non Subscribers
Hussong, Richard --Subscribers
Huyck, Mrs Leona --Non Subscribers
Hyatt, Bert --Stewards
Hyatt, Bert --World Service Treasurer
Hyatt, Mr and Mrs Bert and Dorothy --Subscribers
Inderlid, Elmo E. --Stewards
Inderlied, Donald --Non Subscribers
Inderlied, Mr and Mrs E E --Subscribers
Ingram, Charles --Non Subscribers
Ingram, Mr and Mrs Harry and George --Non Subscribers
James Mrs Rebecca --Subscribers
James, Fred N. --Stewards
James, Mr and Mrs Fred N , Shirley and Clyde --Subscribers
James, Mrs Sena --Non Subscribers
Johnson, Grant --Officers
Johnson, Mrs Anna --Subscribers
Johnson, Mrs Priscilla and Grant --Subscribers
Johnson, William --Non Subscribers
Jones Mr and Mrs Fred T Nelson and Raymond --Subscribers
Jones, Fred --Trustees
Jones, Fred T. --Local Preachers
Jones, George --Non Subscribers
Jones, Miss Ruth --Subscribers
Jones, Mr and Mrs Andrew R --Subscribers
Jones, Mr and Mrs Fred J --Subscribers
Jones, Mr and Mrs Thomas --Subscribers
Jones, Mrs Fred G and Hellen --Subscribers
Jones, Mrs Lois R --Non Subscribers
June, Mrs Florence, Helen and Marion --Subscribers
Kasai, Mr and Mrs Steve --Subscribers
Keck, Mr and Mrs Maris N --Subscribers
Keech, Mrs Recarda --Non Subscribers
Keeny, A. Leroy --Stewards
Keeny, Mr and Mrs Roy --Subscribers
Ketchum, Mr and Mrs Melvin, Ralph and Robert --Non Subscribers
*Ketchum, Mrs Fred --Subscribers
Keville, Floyd --Non Subscribers
Keville, Mr and Mrs William --Subscribers
*Keys, Mrs S G --Subscribers
Kingsbury, Mr and Mrs Leslie --Subscribers
Kintzing, Mr and Mrs Richard W --Subscribers
Knight, Mr and Mrs John --Non Subscribers
LaBarre, Miss Georgia --Subscribers
Lacey, Mrs May T --Subscribers
Lainhart, Mrs Anna --Non Subscribers
Landseidel, Mrs Cora and Edna --Subscribers
Lane, Lamont --Subscribers
Lane, Mrs Susie --Subscribers
Latham, Edwin --Non Subscribers
Latham, Mr and Mrs Frank and Myra --Subscribers
*Lathrop, Mrs James --Subscribers
Leach, Charles J --Non Subscribers
Lee, Ray --Non Subscribers
Lee, Zara --Non Subscribers
Leech, Charles J. --Stewards
Lengerman, Mrs fannie --Non Subscribers
Lennox, Mrs S E --Subscribers
Lewis, Mr and Mrs Samuel --Non Subscribers
*Lewis, Mrs C E --Subscribers
Litchworth, Miss Clara --Subscribers
Livermore, Mrs Grace --Non Subscribers
Lott, W Vincent --Subscribers
Lux, Mr and Mrs Emil --Non Subscribers
Lyon, Mr and Mrs Wayne --Subscribers
Maas, Kenneth --Subscribers
Maas, Raymond --Non Subscribers
MacDowLL, Mr and Mrs Kenneth --Subscribers
Malick Mr and Mrs Loris --Subscribers
Maly, Mrs Alice --Non Subscribers
Manchester, Avery C. --Stewards
Manchester, Mr and Mrs A C and Lois --Subscribers
Mann, Mrs Jane --Subscribers
Manning, Mrs William --Subscribers
Margeson, Charles A. --In Memoriam
Marthens, Mrs Anna --Non Subscribers
Martin, Mr and Mrs William W and Joyce --Subscribers
Martin, Thomas --Non Subscribers
Martin, William W. --Stewards
May, Mrs Alice --Subscribers
Mc Rorie, Lena (Mrs.) --In Memoriam
McCann, George and Grace --Non Subscribers
McCann, Mrs Ella --Subscribers
McCann, William and Lorraine --Subscribers
McGrath, Mr and Mrs Thomas , Hellen and Thomas Jr --Subscribers
McKeeby, Mr and Mrs Ira --Non Subscribers
McMannis, DR and Mrs S E --Subscribers
Mcrorie Mr and Mrs Devere --Subscribers
Mead, Ella (Mrs.) --In Memoriam
Meade, J Arthur --Non Subscribers
Meade, Mrs Ella --Subscribers
Meyers, Mrs Florence --Non Subscribers
Middaugh, Mrs Ida --Non Subscribers
Miller Mrs Robert --Subscribers
Miller, Bina (Mrs.) --In Memoriam
Miller, Mr and Mrs L B --Subscribers
Miller, Mrs Bina --Subscribers
Moe, J Duell --Non Subscribers
Moe, James D. --Stewards
Moe, Mr and Mrs James D and Ruth --Subscribers
Mogridge, Mrs C R --Subscribers
Mondore, Everett H --Subscribers
*Monroe, Mrs D B --Subscribers
Morris,Mrs Robert,Mabel and Charlotte --Non Subscribers
Morrow, Mr and Mrs Paul --Subscribers
Morrow,Mrs Leola --Non Subscribers
*Moss, Miss Elenora --Subscribers
Neal, Mr and Mrs J P --Non Subscribers
Nesbitt, Mrs Leola --Non Subscribers
Netherton, Mr and Mrs A D --Subscribers
Newberry, Charles --Subscribers
Non Subscribers --
Noteware, Mr and Mrs Clayton --Subscribers
Nunn, Mrs William --Subscribers
O'Green, John --Subscribers
o'Malley, Mrs Ruth --Subscribers
Osborne, Mrs Cornelia --Non Subscribers
Osterhout , John W --Subscribers
Osterhout, Mr and Mrs H B and Hubert JR --Non Subscribers
Osterhout, Mr and Mrs James B --Subscribers
Overdorf, Benjamin S. --Stewards
Overdorf, Mr and Mrs B S --Subscribers
Owens, Mrs Mina --Non Subscribers
Paige, Mr and Mrs Louis --Subscribers
Park, Leroy --Stewards
Park, Miss Emily A --Subscribers
*Park, Mr and Mrs Leroy --Subscribers
Parke, Mr and Mrs Louis L --Subscribers
Parks, Mrs Reva --Subscribers
*Parsons, Mrs Elizabeth --Subscribers
Patrie, Mrs Etta --Subscribers
Pennell, Joseph R. --District Superintendant
Pettebone, Mr and Mrs Harlow L --Subscribers
Pickering, Mr and Mrs O B --Subscribers
Pickering, Mr and Mrs R D Bernard and Bruce Donald --Subscribers
Pickering, O.B. --Stewards
Pickering, Russell D. --Stewards
Pollard, Mr and Mrs Edwin, Berneta, and Wilma --Non Subscribers
Pomeroy, Robert H. --Stewards
Pomery, Mr and Mrs R H Doris and Robert c --Subscribers
Pope, Mrs Earl --Non Subscribers
Powell, Mr and Mrs Edward --Non Subscribers
Powell, Mrs George --Non Subscribers
Powers, Mrs Jane --Subscribers
Price, Alvin H. --Stewards
Price, Merton --Non Subscribers
Price, Mr and Mrs A H --Subscribers
Price, Mr and Mrs L B --Subscribers
Price, Mr and Mrs Merlin --Non Subscribers
Prince, G A --Non Subscribers
Prince, Mr and Mrs Ira --Subscribers
Proof, Mr and Mrs Erwin --Subscribers
Raif, Mr and Mrs W C --Subscribers
Raif, Willard --Non Subscribers
Raif,George --Non Subscribers
Reck, Mrs Paul --Subscribers
Reeser Mr and Mrs Paul J and Mary Emma --Subscribers
Reeser, Mrs Susan --Subscribers
Reinhart, George A. --Stewards
Reinhart, Mr and Mrs George A --Subscribers
Rich, Mr and Mrs George --Subscribers
Richardson, Ernest G. --Bishop
Richel, Mr and Mrs Charles --Non Subscribers
Risley, Lena O. (Mrs.) --Officers
Risley, Mrs Lena O --Subscribers
Rivenburg, Mr and Mrs L E, Grace, Marion and Leonar--Subscribers
Roach, Mrs Irene --Non Subscribers
Robbins, Mr and Mrs Amos and Ethel --Non Subscribers
Roders, Mr and Mrs Paul --Non Subscribers
Rogers, Mr and Mrs Nelson and Lois --Subscribers
Rose, Mr and Mrs A P --Subscribers
Rossi, Mr and Mrs Frank and Anna --Non Subscribers
Roth, Mr and Mrs Robert --Subscribers
Rought, Mr and Mrs Walter and Melvin --Subscribers
Rounds, Mr and Mrs M Z --Subscribers
Russell, Dr and Mrs Harold E --Subscribers
Russell, Harold --Trustees
Russell, Mr and Mrs Howard J and Margaret Ann --Non Subscribers
Russell, Mrs Dora A --Subscribers
Saddlemire, Mr and Mrs Clarence --Subscribers
Sammons, Mrs Muzie --Non Subscribers
Scales, Mrs Anna --Non Subscribers
Schaffer, Mr and Mrs Stephen --Non Subscribers
Schermerhorn, Mrs William --Subscribers
Schoonover, Mr and Mrs Judson --Subscribers
Schroder, Fred L. --Officers
Schroeder, Fred L. --Local Preachers
Schroeder, Fred L. --Trustees
Schroeder, Mr and Mrs Fred L, Ruth and Waren --Subscribers
Scoville, Mrs Sarah --Non Subscribers
Searles, Mrs Fred and Helen --Non Subscribers
Seaver, Mr and Mrs Jesse and Lewis --Non Subscribers
Seely, Linn --Local Preachers
Seely, Mr and Mrs Linn --Subscribers
Seetoo, Quoa --Subscribers
Seltzer, Mrs carl --Non Subscribers
Sexton, Mr and Mrs Warren --Subscribers
Sexton, Warren D. --Stewards
Sharping, Miss Clara --Subscribers
Sharping, Mr and Mrs Richard --Subscribers
Shaw, Mr and Mrs Leroy --Subscribers
Shepard, Howard B. --Stewards
Shepard, Mr and Mrs Howard --Subscribers
Shepard, Mr and Mrs John --Subscribers
Sherman, Mrs Minnie and Ethel --Non Subscribers
Shirley, Andrew L --Non Subscribers
Short, Mr and Mrs A L --Subscribers
Shoultes, Mrs Nora --Subscribers
Shults, Mrs G H --Non Subscribers
*Shumway, M M --Subscribers
Sick, Adona (Miss) --Officers
Sick, Miss Adona --Subscribers
Silvernale, Mrs Iva --Non Subscribers
Sisco, Miss Margaret --Non Subscribers
Sleeper, Mrs Flora --Subscribers
Sleeper, Mrs V B and Verna --Subscribers
Sliker, Mr and Mrs Frank --Subscribers
Smith, Harry T --Subscribers
Smith, Miss Elizabeth J --Subscribers
Smith, Mr and Mrs C E --Subscribers
Smith, Mr and Mrs Charles --Subscribers
Smith, Mr and Mrs Walter and Robert --Non Subscribers
Smith, Mrs Elner, James, Charles, Leona, Margaret --Non Subscribers
Smith, Mrs Ira --Non Subscribers
Snapp, Miss Jennie F --Subscribers
Snow, A. G. --Stewards
Snow, Mr and Mrs A G --Subscribers
Snyder, Miss Verna --Subscribers
Snyder, Mr and Mrs Clifford --Non Subscribers
Snyder, Mrs Hubert E --Subscribers
Somers, Holmes W --Non Subscribers
Somers, Mrs Anna --Subscribers
Spencer, Miss Kathryn --Non Subscribers
Stemples, Mrs Joseph, Dorothy and Pearl --Subscribers
Stepp, Mr and Mrs William --Non Subscribers
Sterling, Emerson and Isabelle --Non Subscribers
Stinnard, Miss Effie --Subscribers
Stone, Miss Myrtle --Subscribers
Stone, Mr and Mrs Russell A and Robert --Subscribers
Stone, Russell A. --Stewards
Storch, Mrs Beatrice --Non Subscribers
Storm, Mrs Elwood --Subscribers
Stowell, Mr and Mrs Fred --Subscribers
Stroud, Robert --Subscribers
Studley, Earl --Non Subscribers
Sturzenegger, Mr and Mrs Harry --Subscribers
Sturzenegger, Mrs Bertha, Elsie and Donald --Non Subscribers
Swartout, Miss Augusta --Subscribers
Swinder, Mrs. Ralph E. --Stewards
Swindler, Mr and Mrs Frank O --Subscribers
Swindler, Mr and Mrs Ralph E --Subscribers
Swindler, Norma W. --Church Secretary
Swindler, Ralph E. --Stewards
Taylor, Mr and Mrs Homer --Subscribers
Taylor, Mr and Mrs Merton --Subscribers
Teator, Mrs Louise --Non Subscribers
Teetsall, Mr and Mrs Leroy --Subscribers
Terwilliger, Mrs Phebe --Subscribers
Thomas, George H --Non Subscribers
Thomas, Miss Ruth --Non Subscribers
Thomas,Mrs Esther and John --Subscribers
Tiffany, Mrs Bertha --Subscribers
Tillotson, Daniel F. --Stewards
Tillotson, Mr and Mrs D F and Nila --Subscribers
Tingley, Miss Katherine --Non Subscribers
Tourje, Mr and Mrs A E --Subscribers
Touschner, Mrs Mardie --Subscribers
Tracey, Mr and Mrs R H --Subscribers
Transue, Dores --Non Subscribers
Transue, Mrs Della --Subscribers
Tredo, Mrs Maude --Non Subscribers
Tune, Mr and Mrs S E --Subscribers
Turner, Mrs Ethel --Subscribers
Underwood, Erwin --Non Subscribers
VanAuken, Mr and Mrs Smith D --Subscribers
VanPatten, Gervis and Beatrice --Non Subscribers
Vaow, Lawrence --Non Subscribers
Varga, Mr and Mrs John --Subscribers
Vaughn, Mr and Mrs Louis M and Kenneth --Subscribers
Vermilyea, Mrs Minnie --Non Subscribers
Wakelin, Mrs Emma --Subscribers
Waklin, Charles --Non Subscribers
Walker, Mrs Fannie --Non Subscribers
Wallace, Mrs Roy S --Subscribers
Walsh, Mrs George --Non Subscribers
Wandel, Mr and Mrs E L --Subscribers
Ward, Edward G. --Trustees
*Ward, Mr and Mrs Edward G --Subscribers
Wardell, Mr and Mrs Charles --Subscribers
Warfield, Mr and Mrs N J --Non Subscribers
Warner, Frank Jr --Non Subscribers
Warner, Harold --Non Subscribers
Warner, Royal C --Subscribers
Warters, Mr and Mrs George S --Subscribers
Warters, Mr and Mrs Raymond --Subscribers
Washburn, Mrs Alla --Non Subscribers
Waterman, Mrs Verna and Emory --Subscribers
Watts, D r J G --Non Subscribers
Weaver, Mr and Mrs Hiram --Subscribers
Weeks, Mr and Mrs Fred --Subscribers
Wescott, Mrs Mary --Subscribers
Westcott, Mr and Mrs Truman and Rexford --Non Subscribers
Westcott, Vern --Non Subscribers
Wheat, Edgar G. --Stewards
Wheat, Mr and Mrs Edgar G --Subscribers
Wheaton, Frank M --Non Subscribers
Wheaton, Mrs Runa --Non Subscribers
Wheeler, Floyd A. --In Memoriam
Wheeler, Frances and Helen --Non Subscribers
Wheeler, Mr and Mrs Floyd and Nancy --Non Subscribers
Wheeler, Robert --Subscribers
*Whitaker, Miss Ella --Subscribers
Whitaker, Mr and Mrs George --Subscribers
Whitaker, Mrs Ruel C --Subscribers
Whitaker, Raymond --Non Subscribers
*Whitcomb, Mrs Florence --Subscribers
Whitney, Mr and Mrs John --Non Subscribers
Wilcox, E M --Non Subscribers
Wilkins, Fred O. --Stewards
Wilkins, Mr and Mrs Fred O --Non Subscribers
Willey, Mrs Louise --Subscribers
Williams, John P --Non Subscribers
Williams, Mr and Mrs C A --Non Subscribers
Williams, Mr and Mrs Norman B and Everett --Subscribers
Williams, Mrs Kenneth --Non Subscribers
Williamson, Mrs Millie --Subscribers
Wingate, Mr and Mrs William --Non Subscribers
Wintermute, E W --Subscribers
Wintermute, Harker S --Subscribers
Wood Mr and Mrs Leland --Non Subscribers
Wood, Miss Norma --Non Subscribers
Wood, Mr and Mrs Fred --Non Subscribers
Wood, Mr and Mrs Royal T --Subscribers
Wood, Mrs Mary --Non Subscribers
Woodward, Wayne --Stewards
Woodward, Wayne --Non Subscribers
Woughter, Helen and Ruth --Non Subscribers
Wykam, Mr and Mrs George --Non Subscribers
Wylam, Miss Elizabeth --Non Subscribers
Wylam, Walter --Non Subscribers
*Yeager, Mrs Anna --Subscribers
Yerry, Mrs Laura --Subscribers
Young, Mr and Mrs Warren and William --Non Subscribers
Young, Mrs Anna, Betty and Thomas --Subscribers
Young, Warren --Stewards
Zenger, Mr and Mrs Ernest --Subscribers
Zimmer, Sherman --Non Subscribers
Zimmer, Sherman --Stewards
  Submitted by Linda Dabulewicz to Broome Co., NYGenWeb site.
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